Essentials of Management

Focus on the fundamental principles and practices of effective management today with DuBrin's comprehensive, yet concise, ESSENTIALS OF MANAGEMENT, 9E. This brief but thorough new edition functions both as a solid introduction for new students or an in-depth review of core concepts and the latest research and applications for working professionals. Written from the first edition as an essentials text, this book is not a condensation of a larger text, but provides concise, complete coverage that clearly translates the latest research, theories, and management experiences into actual practice. The author's proven functional approach introduces the role of a manager and today's managerial environment before exploring critical topics in planning, organizing, leading, and control. This edition addresses emerging issues, such as sustainability and environmental concerns, management in difficult times, employee morale, diverse workforces, and teamwork. New coverage of ethics, personal productivity, the latest information technology, and decision making are also included. Compelling, memorable examples show how leaders effectively apply principles of management in a wide variety of business settings. New action features, new online skill builders, new cases and video cases work with proven exercises and self-assessment quizzes to help readers develop the managerial, interpersonal, and technical skills necessary for outstanding career success. Help your students acquire the knowledge and skills to manage, lead, and successfully compete in today's rapidly changing business environment with DuBrin's ESSENTIALS OF MANAGEMENT, 9E.
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Об авторе (2011)

Andrew J. DuBrin is Professor Emeritus of Management in the E. Philip Saunders College of Business at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he served as department chairman and team leader. Dr. DuBrin has taught courses and conducted research in leadership, management, organizational behavior, and career management. He presents at other colleges, career schools, and universities. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial Psychology from Michigan State University.Dr. DuBrin has experience in human resource management and is a business and personal consultant in career management, leadership, and management development. Dr. DuBrin is an established author of both textbooks and trade books, and he contributes to professional journals, magazines, newspapers, and online media. He has written textbooks on management, leadership, organizational behavior, human relations, political behavior in organizations, and impression management. His trade books address management issues from charisma, team play, and office politics to overcoming career self-sabotage, and coaching and mentoring.

Библиографические данные

Название Essentials of Management
Автор Andrew J. DuBrin
Издание: 9
Издатель Cengage Learning, 2011
ISBN 0538478233, 9780538478236
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 720
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan