Job application and CV

How to apply for a job in Finland? What should you mention in the job application and CV? How to prepare for a job interview? This page describes the job search process in Finland.

Recognising your competence

In seeking employment, it is useful to recognise your competence. Go over your education and work experience and think about what skills they have taught you. What professional skills do you have? What are your strengths? Also think about the skills and knowledge you have gained through hobbies, associations, voluntary work or other experiences.

Recognition of foreign diplomas and degrees

Job hunting is easier if you know how a degree or diploma gained abroad corresponds to a Finnish one. In some sectors, you may need a decision of recognition to be able to work in Finland. Recognition of a degree is subject to a charge.

Learn more on the InfoFinland page Foreign diploma or degree in Finland.

Job advertisement

Read the job advertisement carefully and assess whether you have the kind of skills and work experience that the advertisement seeks.

The job advertisement may also contain important information about the job, probationary period, remote work opportunities and employee benefits.

Job advertisements often mention whom to call if you have questions. Call and ask about the job before submitting an application. This might help keep you on the employer’s mind.

Job application

A job application is a reply to the job advertisement. Respond to the wishes and requirements mentioned in the job advertisement. Emphasise the things that are important for the position. Describe why you want the job and why they should hire you. The employer is interested in your training and skills, that is, your qualifications or degrees and your work history. It is good if you have certificates of these. Usually, job applications are written in the language in which the job advertisement was published.

A job application is usually a little under a page long. Ask someone to read and check your application.

Write a new application and update your CV every time you apply for a new job. You can type the application into an email message or add it as an email attachment with your CV. Always add attachments in the PDF format. You can often send your application and CV through the employer’s website. Sometimes the job application can be a video, a portfolio or, for example, a web page.

Submit your job application by the due date. If the job advertisement has a phone number, you can call the employer to check that they received your application.

If the organisation is interested in you, they will contact you. The employer may ask you to a job interview, for example. In a job interview, the employer assesses whether you are suitable for the job.

Desired salary

You often have to add a desired salary to applications. The desired salary must not be too high but not too low either. Trade unions can provide more information on the wage or salary levels in different fields. Please note that the employer cannot pay you less than what is stated in the applicable collective agreement for the sector.

Read more on the wage and salary levels in Finland on the InfoFinland page Pay and working hours.

Read more about prices and other costs of living in Finland on the InfoFinland page Cost of living in Finland.